
Who are we? — what are we up to ?

In the studio

It’s Laura who models and sculpts the Patas. She thus miniaturizes the people of her life.

From these heads, which are sometimes the product of her imagination or else inspired by friends or celebrity “people,” she then makes their portraits by photographing them in delicate, flowered and colorful settings.

With Christophe, illustrator and author, their world is created, the settings become more illustrative, bodies are born and new stories begin…

Who are we?

Laura Stioui

Laura Stioui

PataMODELER - Editor

And also:
Director of publications
Publishing trade instructor

Trained at a communications school, Laura has been an editor of illustrated books and director of publications since 2001. She has notably worked for Éditions La Martinière (Mad Men, Séries, une addiction planétaire, J’irai dormir chez vous…). She gives courses at Asfored and at the Sorbonne about publishing.

Her taste for illustration and photography, her penchant for nostalgia and physiognomy, led her to devote herself to modeling. After having studied at the École des Gobelins, she created hundreds of Patas that she staged and photographed.

In 2009 she created the trademark Patapeople and with Christophe devoted her time to developing it for the press, publishing and brands.

Trained in Applied Arts, Christophe began as a decorator for animation and video games (Rayman 2 and 3, the film Aya de Yopougon, the TV series Garfield & cie, Moot Moot…).

Today an expert in 2D and 3D, illustrator and decorator, he enjoys creating images where light plays a major role. He works for publishers and the press (J’irai dormir chez vous by Antoine de Maximy, Iconic Whisky, Vertige polaire for Éditions La Martinière…). He signed Jack et le haricot magique in 2015 for Éditions Belin jeunesse, as both illustrator and adapter of the tale. He is preparing an album for young people for 2017.

With Laura, he is developing the Patapeople world (original illustrations, animation, 3D décors and stories).

cHristophe bOurges

cHristophe bOurges


And also:
Matte painter
Chief decorator for animated films
Expert in 2D/3D


Christophe Bourges :

Thanks to

Jacques Bocobza, Grégory Bricout, Emma Chamard, Isabelle Dujardin, Fanny and Julie, Nadia Fleury, Mercedes Osti, Armelle Nicolas Robin,
Pierre Marsac, Isabelle Parent, Jean-Baptiste Pellerin, Paloma Rojas, Léa Stansal, Francis Tier, Gaspard Walter and all the people who are pataddict !

Photo credits

All of the photos on the opening  page of Patanoscope are by Gaspard Walter. The photos staged on a white background are by Jean-Baptiste Pellerin.
The other photographs are by Laura.  Photo retouching, special effects, Patanoscope costumes, animated images and illustrations are by Christophe.

Traduction  for the english version

Christine Schultz-Touge